Each Weaver base is machined to tight tolerances for a custom fit. These aluminum bases offer maximum strength for rings to hold tight.
Features and Specifications:
Machined to tight tolerances for a custom fit
Offer the rock solid Weaver cross-lock design to fit a variety of rings
With mounting screws
8-40 screws
Made in USA
Colour: Black Matte
One Piece Base Used On:
Mossberg 500, 1997 & after models, 590, 835
Installation Instructions:
1. Clean firearm receiver base holes and all mount parts thoroughly.
2. Use a correct size screwdriver to attach base tightly to receiver. Many gunsmiths also apply a small drop of thread adhesive to the base screws. (Do not allow thread adhesive to go through into the action). Thread adhesive is not needed on 22 rifles.
3. Place mount ring saddles (bottom portion of mount) on the base(s) and push forward so that the saddle crossbolt contacts the forward edge of the groove in the mount base. Tighten saddle to a base with a coin or screwdriver.
4. Place scope in saddles and position for eye relief. (Refer to scope instructions for correct eye relief).
5. Place mount ring caps (upper portion of the mount ring assembly) on the scope and slide them over the saddles so that caps and saddles become a single unit.
6. make sure crosshairs are vertical/horizontal. Tighten the four ring cap screws evenly until the caps hold the scope tube securely. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN to prevent scope tube damage.
7. Firearm is now ready for bore-sighting. Refer to scope instructions for correct procedures.
Model: Weaver Optics 48440