We had some pictures sent from one of our super-happy customers who has bought and installed some items for his Norinco M14 Shorty. If you would like to do the same with your build, either email them or attach them to this blog - it's great to see what you do with our stuff!
This rifle has an M1A/M14 Weaver Scope Mount (MM14, $26.95); 30mm Weaver Scope Rings (RB02, $9.45) and the amazing VISM Evolution Series 6-24x50 Illuminated Scope (VEVOFP62450G, $234.95).
Interestingly, Calibre magazine have just installed a 6-24x50 illuminated reticle scope onto their Stevens project rifle - although their Vortex was more than four times the price of this Evolution Series scope! That is the reason that our customer is super-happy - he can barely believe the value that he is getting from Colonel Mustard. :)
Thank you, Brian, for sending in pics of your SKS with a Tapco stock and an SKS Bayonet fitted to the bayonet lug (ABSKS, $27.95) - very cool and now super-steady!
Thanks, Evan, for sending in a pic of your Colonel Mustard .308 muzzle brake (CM308, $44.95) installed on your rifle - we know it's going to be working as well as it looks!
Thanks, Don, for sending in a pic of your Ruger Mark IV Hunter with our Hogue rubber grips installed. As Don says: "This is the favorite target pistol I own. It has every option for accuracy but I the thought the wooden checkered grips which look great could be improved. The Hogue grip feels more solid and tight in my hand. Hogue is my new Go-To for any future purchases of gun grips." He then took the trouble to email again: "Tried the new grips yesterday afternoon and shot a 291/300 at 20 yds. I usually shoot in the mid 270's. I love the grip and will purchase more for other handguns."